Compact apartment unit CAVU
Compact apartment unit CAVU
Compact apartment unit CAVU
Compact apartment unit CAVU
The unit is used for air regulation in rooms with high comfort and low noise requirements.
416,17 €

Compact CAVU apartment unit. The unit is used for air regulation in rooms with high comfort and low noise requirements.

Mainly used in residential or office buildings with central air treatment. The CAVU consists of two VAV units (supply and exhaust) with integrated silencers. An optional CAVU-S unit with more compact dimensions is available.

  • Compact (all-in-one) housing
  • Minimum installation cost
  • Adjustable air volume
  • Maintenance-free
  • Low sound power level
  • Energy saving (demand control)
  • Improving indoor air quality
  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Wide range of control modes

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Kompaktne korteriseade CAVU
Compact apartment unit CAVU
416,17 €
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Kompaktne korteriseade CAVU
Compact apartment unit CAVU
416,17 €