HEPA filter M6, F7


Frames: Zinc coat frames, Al, MDF, plastic Operating temperature: max. 100°C


HEPA filters M6 and F7 should not be exceeded the recommended final pressure drop. Filters are combustible or they can be stored at the communal waste dump. These filters in minipleat are manufactured from the fold depth of 40 mm to a depth of 150 mm, but the depths of folds can be placed into the frames of larger size.


Air conditioning equipment, hospital rooms, office buildings, telephone switchboards a nd air spray rooms.



Sizes Minipleat M6 m3/h fold Pa m2
610x610x48 2500 40 70 6
305x610x78 1550 58 70 3,8
305x610x96 1900 80 70 4,7
610x610x150 5300 120 70 12,9
Sizes Al separation F7 m3/h fold Pa m2
305x305x150 560 - 80 2,2
305x610x150 1180 - 80 4,5
305x610x292 2380 - 80 9
610x610x292 5050 - 80 19,6